
Healthcare Policy, Innovation and Management

Become the healthcare entrepreneur of the future.

Do you have an interest in issues surrounding healthcare innovation? Are you interested in how we can meet healthcare demand with limited resources? Do you want to know how we can manage organisations in constantly changing healthcare systems? Then Healthcare Policy, Innovation and Management could just be the programme for you. The programme focuses on the analysis of health systems and the translation of the results into innovative solutions; you’ll learn how to come up with, implement, manage, evaluate and improve innovative solutions. After you have completed your studies, you'll be an innovative professional who is able to influence the future direction of healthcare. Your broad skillset will open up many different career paths, including careers as a manager, care purchaser, a senior policy advisor, consultant or researcher. 

If you have any questions for a current Healthcare Policy, Innovation and Management student, follow our student ambassador on Instagram.

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The application deadline is coming up

Are you interested in a master's programme at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences? Keep in mind that the application deadline for EU and non-EU applicants is coming up. Don't wait any longer and register now. All information on admission and registration can be found in the menu.


Get a taste of student life at our faculty

Are you interested in studying health? Visit our study information events for prospective students and fully experience life at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences. Can't attend us on campus? Reach out to our student ambassadors on Instagram, they are happy to provide their insights into student life.

Explore the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences with this interactive tour. 
You decide what to explore. Have a look at our labs and lecture halls or discover the study associations.
Press play and join our students as they show you around campus.

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